WayPoint has conducted Research Outcome Studies since the inception of the Treatment Center in 2013. Utilizing the standardized measuring instruments of the Youth Outcome Questionnaire (Y-OQ) and the Outcome Questionnaire (OQ), both the adolescent and his parents report the youth’s symptomatology on six subscales: Intrapersonal Distress (ID) - Anxiety, depression, fearfulness, etc. Somatic (S) - Headache, stomach, bowel, dizziness, etc. Interpersonal Relationships (IR) - Attitude, communication, and interaction with parents, adults, and peers. Data is collected upon admission, discharge, and six- and twelve-month post-discharge. Raw data is statistically analyzed at the University of New Hampshire. WayPoint’s data and other data from fellow NATSAP programs have been used in several studies by researchers and published in mental health journals. The graph below represents the outcome data of WayPoint students exclusively.
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